Project Cynic

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A Cynical Approach to Drugs and/or The Ravings of a Lunatic

I like drugs. I like their look, smell, taste, and their effects. Left alone, these boring inanimate objects would degrade into nothing, but when ingested their effects are boundless. We have harnessed nature to produce substances which alter our physiology and solve problems. Drugs are manifestations of human ingenuity; where we have identified problems, understood what our bodies and minds needed to achieve, and developed solutions. However, our developments in drug potency and administration have far outpaced societal attitudes, laws, and health policies. This gap between chemical innovation and regressive fear-based prevention, treatment, political, and social policies is filled with the dead bodies and broken families of ignorant drug consumers who lacked proper education and training in drug safety. The purpose of this project is to provide consumers realistic education on how to safely use and enjoy mind altering drugs to pursue health, happiness, and recreation. Yes, this project includes information about therapeutic drug use as this is a popular topic; but it will also focus on information for recreational drug consumers as not all consumers are using drugs to gain insight. If you and/or your clientele use mood/mind altering drugs then you are in the right spot. Drug use is a natural force similar to the wind. I do not need to advertise nor promote wind; it simply is.

This site will not include stories about redemption, salvation, nor the resilience of the human spirit. You will not feel inspired to change your life nor find a sense of purpose here. Like most humans, I have used drugs and I will continue to use drugs. However, my story is irrelevant. I will not regurgitate another boring hope laced narrative about my times in jail, homelessness, standing in line at methadone clinics, rehabs, nor beat the dead horse of withdrawals. To summarize every addiction story in the history of addiction stories: yes, withdrawals suck, addiction is hard, and for most people with the rarity of addiction, life gets better. I will not include any dramatic turning points nor spiritual awakening through finding support in 12-step groups, reciting slogans, or prayer. In fact, I found 12-step groups to be more harmful than helpful along my path and the paths of many clients I have counseled. My motivation for this project is my burning frustration toward our society’s fearmongering attitudes about drug use, addiction, and life after addiction. These attitudes are the foundation for our terrible treatment of people who use drugs or have addiction issues and these attitudes cause countless unnecessary deaths. This project is geared toward developing a safety guide for consumers of mind-altering drugs and for people who are curious about drugs and their use. This site will also include information about how stigma impacts societal attitudes toward people who use drugs. And most bafflingly, how people in “recovery” unknowingly perpetuate some of the stigma back onto themselves.